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[DESIGN] DIY Mesh Heads for heavy handed drummers (by Xan)

E-drum Workshop
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  • Smile

    This must look like a real drumhead.
    I’ve made mine just out of a piece of hard cloth (not sure, what it is – a kind of denim anyway). without useing starch – and it works fine, and it stands hard beats.
    but the thing is, that mesh heads are designed to be as silent as possible, so u caould train at home without bothering ur neighbours. and my cloth-head makes some “boom-boom” sounds…
    i wonder, if starching will make them less noisy. in fact, i’m not sure it will. did anyone try it?
    if they are not silent as mesh heads, they are not a replacement… if starch-heads make sound, why not heavy-nanded drummes just use regulat plastic drumheads?


    Has anyone else tried these yet? I need some better mesh head material because the insect screen stuff I have stretches to easily and when used for a bass drum it gets distorted too much after about 20mins


    Hello–I’ve made my own heads from old broken heads.  I used the rim only, and window/door screen fabric from a local big box home store in a double layer with the fibers running at 45 degree angles from each other.  I’ve not tried using the “pet proof” fabric, but it may be a wise choice for you heavy hitters due to the increased thickness and durability.  Cutting the screen about 2 inches larger than the hoop, I wrapped the excess over the hoop and then stitched around (loop stitch) the rim with a heavy weight thread (nylon fishing line or similar will do)  Be careful to pull it tight as you work, but loose enough to give when tightened around the drum.  For extra insurance, I used some gaffer tape around the rim in case I lost a stitch or two tightening the drum or when played.  Works a treat!  

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