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Defective Metal Foundry Discs

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • The Wookiee

    I believe I have been lucky but I do have to say the DVDs I received were in a disgusting condition

    They all have lots of severe scratches on the last centimetre around the periphery of the disks

    They were dirty

    Disk 5 has what looks like a water mark between layers of the disk

    Fortunately it has installed however……

    This post may or may not contain errors of an indeterminate nature


    I had a problem with 3 files. Fortunately, my home computer (newer HP) could read them, so I put them onto a external hard drive and ported them over.


    ORIGINAL: Wookiee
    I believe I have been lucky but I do have to say the DVDs I received were in a disgusting condition

    Yeah I noticed this too, my first set were all scratched and had this horrible grubby layer of film on them I had to polish off.

    Regards, Marcus.


    Hello All:
    I will try it all. The one thing is the packaging has allot to do with condition of Disc’s. Gloss from the package put the film on it and may have help scratch them. More then likely the Disc’s was done overseas in China.  
    Thanks to all,

    Gary Stiltner

    Sooooo…. what’s the answer? I still haven’t seen anyone from Toontrack pipe in and say ‘come hither for replacement discs… ‘


    You can order a replacement by filling out the form available under About > Contact Shipping/Office right on the main site

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    count me in, got metal foundry yesterday and i too couldn’t even get past dvd2 file 5 installation. i think this is either a faulty file or dvd.

    the internet is a series of tubes


    What’s the story with this?  I’m really disappointed.  I ordered Metal Foundry from Music 123 before Christmas and could not get past disc 2 on the install.  Kept getting stuck on soundb5.obw no matter what I did.  I even tried an external dvd drive borrowed from a friend.  Nothing worked.  So I contacted Music 123 and they were kind enough to send me replacement discs.  However, they were on backorder so I had to wait a few weeks to get them.
    Finally got the new discs yesterday and this time I get stuck on soundb6.obw of disc 2.  It’s really frustrating that I purchased the software a month ago and still cannot use it.  Horrible quality control!  Maybe I’ll just stick with Steven Slate Drums. 


    Hi guys,

    we’re really sorry for the problems you have experienced. There’s nothing wrong with the actual files, but some of the discs are not in such as good shape as you would hope. As previously mentioned, the files 6,12, 16 and 18 are the most common to cause trouble, but with some DVD readers other files are malfunctioning also.

    The initial step would be to try and copy the files manually, and if that doesn’t work, try another DVD reader.
    As Scott previously mentioned, contact us through the form available under About > Contact Shipping/Office if these steps won’t help, and we’ll ship replacements asap.

    We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this causes you guys.

    Martin Kristoffersson
    Sound Designer


    I had repeated install failures with the SC&V SDX upgrade in multiple optical drives, until I noticed the incredible amount of smooge on Disc 1; I wiped it off completely and carefully and after that the install went fine.


    Toontrack, Everyone,
    I’m getting an error reading from disc 2 file soundb5.obw. Crap disks. My DVD is a brand new Pioneer SATA model.

    There’s really no excuses for this Toontrack. Please ensure you spend a few more bucks on a better duplicator and packaging method.

    I agree that my discs are also scratched a bit around the last 5mm or so and is probably from rubbing inside the cardboard packaging. Poor design.
    Plus the discs themselves may be questionable. I don’t have this problem with other manufacturers.

    Love your company. First disappointment I’ve had. Ensure you do it right for the next guy.

    Oh, and offer us .iso downloads so we don’t have to wait weeks to receive a new CD. I’ve already had to wait 35 days to receive my order because I”m overseas at a military base and Musicians Friend only ships 4 class mail these days. No more priority mail from them to us US service members! …won’t be ordering from them anymore.

    Do better guys. But keep pumping out your great products.
    Oh, and release a Steven Slate Drums pack that’ll work within SD2.x. I’ll buy it on release day!



    First of all, pleasy try manually copying the .obw files to the designated SL-MetalFoundry/Sounds folder on your drive, this works for some users. If you still have problems, get in touch with us through the form available under About > Contact Shipping/Office right on the main site Make sure to provide your shipping address and which DVD:s that are malfunctioning.

    We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    Martin Kristoffersson
    Sound Designer


    I’ve just got a set of these
    they look like somebody has gone over them with sandpaper – they are in a terrible state.
    This really isn’t good enough.
    I also got read errors with my CV SDX upgrade disks – and you can see that they have been badly produced if you hold them up to the light.
    REALLY NOT VERY GOOD – especially considering the price of the upgrade !!
    I’m was going to use them on a session this weekend – so I’m very (very) p*ssed off.  I’m expecting TT to send replacements, immediately or I’m sending the whole lot back for a refund.


    i bought THF thinking it was a EZ drummer expansion and all 5 discs down loaded fine but guess what i didn’t have SD 2.0.
    so i got the cross grade down load from EZ drummer to SD 2.0 and now I can Only install 2 of the discs like you guys.
    Im gonna try what marcus said to do and see if that works

    currently running garageband 2008 with ezdrummer and dfh on a Mac osx version 10.5.7 with 2GHZ INTEL CORE DUO PROCESSOR AND 3GB 667 MHZ DDR2 SD RAM



    currently running garageband 2008 with ezdrummer and dfh on a Mac osx version 10.5.7 with 2GHZ INTEL CORE DUO PROCESSOR AND 3GB 667 MHZ DDR2 SD RAM

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