I’ve been busy lately recording my band’s (The Icarus Effect) EP and just finished up a track. I wanted to post the instrumental version of it here to see what you guys thought of how everything is sounding so far. Guitars are my Axe Fx Ultra using Recto and 5150 models. Bass is a few tracks. 1 axe fx, 1 direct, and 1 sansamp. Drums are S2.0 Avatar kit with a kick from Metal Foundry. Let me know what you guys think of how its sounding so far?
Newer mix (reworked the kick, bass, and eq’d the guitars a bit more): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1046513/Eye%20Opener%20Mix%202.mp3
S2.3 NY Vol 2/Music City/Metal Foundry/Evil Drums/dfh Superior Claustrophobic/Electronic/Twisted Kit/Metal Machine