C&V Custom “Sticks” Contemporary Folk Rock Ballad

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    TrebleHook ,

    Thank you for the review!  I’m impressed by your drummer’s resume (or was he just the guy that worked on the toontrack drum software you used?), though your youtube link did not work for me.  I’m gonna see if I can find the song on youtube “manually”……………..nope that did not work either.  Even though I live near Los Angeles, I have been to Florida several times, mostly because of the snorkeling, typically in the Florida Keys.  First time I snorkeled in Florida (off of Fort Lauderdale), they didn’t tell me it was a shark snorkel tour until I was halfway through signing the liability waiver form.  It was great and I survived!  My main photo on my music website was from that shark dive.  And I like the swamps of Florida, and snorkeled with manatees once.


    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface

    • The post has been modified 2 times, last modified 2 years, 2 months ago by CHRIS.

    If you are ever back look me up and borrow my kayaks and I’ll show you exactly where to go on the GPS.  Don’t worry it won’t be the same place I’d like to tell some people here to go.  Next time in LA I will try to remember to look you up.  Thanks for trying to listen.  Ridiculous that you can’t post an exact link and have it take you there.   Just copied the link again see if this one works.  https://youtu.be/n33qGXyMcT4

    Welcome to Florida, watch out for deadly sharks, snakes, and gators. Know worries, all the black bears and panthers have mostly been lost to unfettered sprawl, contaminated water, and greased shills and carpetbaggers courtesy of the corporations feeding them. A rare manatee is dying, and a Florida man fed red tide is creating a fish kill some place here now.

    • This post was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by TrebleHook.


    That time your link (the bottom one, the top one still doesn’t work for me) worked!  I won’t comment on the politics (no matter what a person says, you’re gonna piss off half of the US of A), but the song itself is very good all around.  I was most impressed with the slide guitar playing.  I use a slide once in a a while, but I wish I was better at it.  Melodyne can help me a bit with that, but not as much as I’d like it to.   Rock on man, you have talent!  🙂


    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface

    • This post was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by CHRIS.


    Thanked by: TrebleHook

    I really like the song. Well written and produced. Great vocals as well. The drums sound natural and fit the style perfectly. It’s one of my favorite libraries from Toontrack. Carry On.

    M1 Mac Mini • 16GB RAM • OSX 14.2.1 • UA Quad • Logic 10.8 • Kontakt 7 • Toontrack SD3

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