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Custom & Vintage SDX 1.5.0 Install Failure

Product Manager
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  • wagzisnotadrummer

    @Jim Coates said:
    Customer Service,

    I just purchased Superior Drummer 3. As a part of the updates performed by the Product Manager, it downloaded some updates to my existing SDXs. All of them downloaded and installed correctly, except for the Custom & Vintage SDX 1.5.0 package. It has it downloaded, but when I “install updates…”, it tells me that first told me that it could not unzip the file. I manually unzipped it and tried to run the installer, but it simply never launches.

    I tried deleting and redownloading, but am having the same results.

    Please advise.

    Thank you,
    Jim Coates  

    I’m having the same issue. Metal Foundry and C&V are giving me this problem.

    Paul Ashe

    Same here with C+V on Windows 7 ☹

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