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Custom midi in EZDrummer2

E-drum Workshop
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  • onewayout_1

    Hi Mikeyd,

    First you would need someway of creating your midi, (drum pad, Drum triggers, DAW) You can write and edit your midi in most DAWs in the midi editor. I’m not a drummer so I use this method. If you are a drummer, you might want to get some sort of drum triggers…There is something on the market that is pretty cheap also their are the more elaborate triggers

    Then once your midi is built you would want to name and export it from a DAW into the folder C:UsersYOUR COMPUTERDocumentsToontrackEZdrummerUser MIDI
    And Then you can access your own midi in EZD2!! And it is searchable forever!!

    I hope this wasn’t overwhelming for you…I’m not sure what level of music production you are on…BUT basically you have to have a DAW to alter your midi to what YOU want it to be! (there are cool and basic ways to alter the toontrack existing midi but this is not what you’re looking for) There are TONS of videos on how to export midi and build custom midi so YOUTUBE will be your friend here… (-:


    Thanks onewayout_1,

    Nice reply….thank you. I have been looking at drum pads, but I wasn’t sure that you could ACTUALLY create a midi. It seems you are just “recording” what you are “finger drumming” as an audio track and not a midi.

    As am I not a drummer as well, one youtube video suggested “tracking” or creating a midi for different sections of the drums. For example, doing the basic kick and snare combo as one midi, then going back into EZDrummer and doing a separate track of just cymbals (high-hat, crashes, etc). Does that make sense having two midi tracks for your drums running in your DAW?

    I have some experience in the digital realm of editing. I primarily have done video editing using Sony products (Vegas). I understand from talking to friends that Sony Vegas was originally a music program, adapted to video. Since I am familiar with that product, I was looking at a basic Sony product for music like Acid Music Studio. I have never worked with just straight audio or midi.

    Thanks again for your help. Any other suggestions, I’m all ears!!!


    Well Cool then, if your not a drummer but have specific ideas of breaks and things then use the incredible midi grooves EZD has recorded by drummers and just edit them in a DAW IN THE MIDI EDITOR…After you get the hang of it EZD has unlimited ways to edit and paste in midi parts from every midi groove they I’ll find a nice kik and snare groove but I want a different hi hat groove so I’ll search the grooves and find the hi hat groove and ezd will lets us replace it on the fly!!


    Ok…..I went out and got an AKAI MPD218 drum pad……now, I have NO IDEA how to set it up to use with EZDrummer2. My DAW is Sony Acid Music Studio 10.0. Getting a tad frustrated finding the answers….but it’s only been a day or two


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