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Custom Mapping & Velocity

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  • John


    not that I am saying it will not happen (I’m just a technical advisor here) but isn’t that why Superior 2 is the more advanced product and EZdrummer 2 is, well EZier?
    You can always load the EZdrummer 2 EZX:s in Superior 2 and apply your Custom MIDI mapping and Velocity curves there + save those as Projects or Combined Presets.
    The risk of introducing advanced features like that in the EZdrummer 2 product, is that it is either intimidating the broad EZdrummer 2 user base or seriously increasing help requests in the Support channels.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Cory Pelizzari

    Okay, fair call about using the EZX in Superior Drummer. But I still think that adding this feature as an option will not deter the wide range of users, and it is not exactly an “advanced” feature. MIDI mapping comes as standard in nearly every drum library release to date, such as – BFD, NI Drummer, Steven Slate Drums, Drumasonic, The Grange, Zeus, Battery, Addictive Drums, etc.

    I personally think it an oversight by a company that has high standards.

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