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Custom kits

Studio Corner
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  • onewayout_1

    Hey sounds like your having fun! ?

    To answer question #2 no a regular drum kit cannot pull up say a conga from Latin percussion unfortunately…. But like number#1 hits kit can and so can hip hop kit and the electronic kit… Cool thing about Number#1 hits is you can also add 2 or more snares using other acoustic kits too to layer them!



    to answer #1:
    the first screen shot is showing an EZdrummer 2 Preset, which includes everything tweaked in the plugin – kit pieces, pitch, volume, mixer, etc.
    the second screen shot shows a Kit Preset, which only is a save of the kit pieces.
    They are not the same, hence they populate different menus.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    David George

    Thanks for clarifying, John. Now I just have to remember how I created the kit preset!

    onewayout_1: Can you clarify what you mean here?

    @onewayout_1 said:
    But like number#1 hits kit can and so can hip hop kit and the electronic kit… Cool thing about Number#1 hits is you can also add 2 or more snares using other acoustic kits too to layer them!  

    Do you mean layer on separate tracks?


    Well yeah you can do it on separate OUTS or (TRACKS) for processing but INSIDE the Number #1 hits they give you a choice of several Kiks & snares which you can open different acoustic Kiks & snares and mix them in with each other.LaughNumber-1.JPG

    No more 2nd instances!! (opening 2 different EZDs)


    @onewayout_1 said:
    Well yeah you can do it on separate OUTS or (TRACKS) for processing but INSIDE the Number #1 hits they give you a choice of several Kiks & snares which you can open different acoustic Kiks & snares and mix them in with each other.LaughNumber-1.JPG

    No more 2nd instances!! (opening 2 different EZDs)  

    Also you can open like I said congas and such in the Perc and FX pads from different EZ Kits. This Kit makes for some very versatile arraigning as does the hip hop and Electrons kits do also…Numbeer-1-2.JPG

    David George

    Thanks, onewayout_1. I guess I’ll have to look into the hits EZX.


    @dg27 said:
    Thanks, onewayout_1. I guess I’ll have to look into the hits EZX.  

    You might like the HIP HOP kit better as it has a lot of different Percussion also…And has some very cool soul grooves….Hip-Hop.JPG

    I tdoes the same thing with using other kits Perc and Kik & snares too

    David George

    Thanks–that definitely seems much more up my alley: I prefer the kit GUI rather than the drum machine GUI and I am a bigger lover of percussion and soul grooves. Thanks for all your help!

    David George

    @dg27 said:
    Thanks–that definitely seems much more up my alley: I prefer the kit GUI rather than the drum machine GUI and I am a bigger lover of percussion and soul grooves. Thanks for all your help!  

    Kudos to you, onewayout_1! I got the Hip Hop EZX and love it! I’ve been mixing it up quite a bit. Thanks so much for the recommendation! Cool


    Nice one Mate!! Laugh

    David George

    What I have found very cool is to start with a Hip Hop EZX groove and use my very sparse custom kit. I set up another set of tracks using the Latin Percussion EZX. The combination of the two is great!


    Yeah I just found out last night I can send the midi signal from my main EZX to another EZX through my DAW’s ROUTING system (like when we send out multi channels of EZx to mix separately in separate channels) to another instance of EZX and not have to copy midi to it and then start stacking Kiks and snares AND mix in other FX from those EZX’s!! WOOHOOOO!

    David George

    I think I get what you mean and will have to try that.
    For example, I’d like to have two snares going to the same aux in my DAW…
    Thanks for the tip!


    Well Actually, I’m sending the midi signal to another EZX kit that can then trigger the second Kik & snare that is kind of an AUX I guess but we are able to process it with the FX from the EZX kit that we are using AND individual FX on the channel we are sending the snare to…IOW I set up two EZX with MULTI outs and drive one with the other and I have all the multi outs of each going to a different BUSS’s…Well here’s a couple of pics…Hope it makes sense…Drum-1.JPG


    David George

    Yes–this helps–thanks. I’m going to try something like this!Smile

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