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Crossgrade from SD2 to SD3 discount… Make it happen again, please.

Superior Drummer 3 Pre-sales
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  • dsteinschneider

    +1 on make crossgrade price available again.

    Dave Zimmerman

    I too am surprised by the lack of an upgrade price from Superior Drummer 2.0! This thread started a couple years ago and crickets from ToonTrack… So I guess it’s not happening. I have to admit even though I highly recommend Superior Drummer to everyone, I will definitely look around thoroughly at other drum software before I pull the trigger on purchasing this all over again. It sure doesn’t feel like I’m being treated like a faithful customer, especially when EZ drummer gets an upgrade path.

    George Maddaloni

    I am seriously pissed off at Toontrack for treating SD2 users this way. If they do not honor us with a fair upgrade price from SD2 to SD3 I will never buy another product from them again. That said I’ve already moved over to XLN Addictive Drums 2 and couldn’t be happier. Get your shit together Toontrack and treat us fairly!! Bring back the upgrade!


    I can only get in there. What is behind this sales strategy? Annoyance of mostly loyal customers? That´s perfectly succeeded. Where is there finally a statement from toontrack. It makes no sense!!!

    Aran Mcgillick

    It’s an absolute joke, it’s the very least they could do. I will not be buying SD3 until they make a discount available to its loyal customer base once again, the idea that EZ drummer somehow constitutes a discount but SD2 does not, is farcical. I can only hope there will be some sort of sale towards the end of this year.


    Thanked by: Wolfgang Beckers, rusty rusty and ilter
    Dave Zimmerman

    I will purchase SD3 the moment there is ever a discount/upgrade. Otherwise, I will stick with SD2 and other Drum Samplers until I settle on the next thing that works best for me.


    Thanked by: Wolfgang Beckers, rusty rusty and ilter
    rusty rusty

    As a former happy, loyal and proud user/promoter of SD2, I feel violated. It’s as if my money isn’t as good as the customer(s) who paid less for other TT products…

    If this is purely an AVID decision, then TT should seriously consider their judgement of character when it comes the companies with which they choose to partner…

    If it’s a TT decision, shame on you for making me feel like a second-class customer…!



    Thanked by: Wolfgang Beckers
    Harold Murphy

    This is terrible no crossgrade I won’t be buying SD3 to get screwed when SD4 comes out.


    Thanked by: Wolfgang Beckers
    Wolfgang Beckers

    I own EZdrummer 2 and Superiordrummer 2. I’ve passed the short time for the discount upgrade of SD2 to SD3  and I miss a retional offer to buy such an upgrade. Other music software companies like Steinberg offers such upgrades from older versions not only for a short time.

    I hope, Toontrack will make it too!!!


    +1 for a SD2 to SD3 upgade for us customers who have spent many $$$ on SD2 with tons of SDX expanions packs. I own 15 Toontrack products and would like to move forward with my new Mac M1 and SD2 / SDX investment, and get SD2 to work NATIVELY in my M1 Mac. If it’s not possible then offer us an interesting alternative as an appreciation of our lontime investment in SD2 & SDXs. From all the messages in this thread, it seems that Toontrack is leaving us in the dust with this big display of corporate arrogance.  I shall inform my community if this is indeed the truth. Those of us who have exposure might make TT change its mind if corporate arrogance is the way they have chosen for us longtime / loyal paying customer who have invested lots of money just to be lead into a dead end. This feels like someone just spat in my face…

    Sunny Schramm

    Yep – will never buy anything else from toontrack before there will be a crossgrade from SD2 to SD3 !!!


    +1 on this – I apparently missed the crossgrade window (as I’m sure many others did), & would’ve been happy to upgrade just didn’t realize.

    So still using SD2, waiting for a deal to come back to loyal customers, frankly disappointing it hasn’t happened yet.


    I hope this isn’t true. Why isn’t anyone from Toontrack replying back? Hello????? Plz send the cross upgrade!

    Dave Kropf

    I wanted to chime in here to +1 a crossgrade to SD3 or at least EZDrummer 3.

    Jeff Sepeta

    Crossgrade $319 – 20% holiday bonus brought the price down to $250, so I bought the upgrade to 3. Weird that they don’t offer upgrade pricing from SD2.0

Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 31 total)

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