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Crossgrade from SD2 to SD3 discount… Make it happen again, please.

Superior Drummer 3 Pre-sales
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  • jesse

    I second that motion…


    Thanked by: Pete_34, Jack.Sassenfeld and pjhk

    third this !





    SD2  SDX x 11 EZMix  Most TTinstruments

    2013 iMac 8MB former professional performer/ songwriter / producer now disabled / and recovering

    You Can Do The Right Thing TT!

    Frank Bond

    I got a facebook ad from Drum-Tec  in Germany. I bought the upgrade for 184.04 Euros just a moment ago. That’s 219E – 19% VAT. They apparently have some licences still. It registered fine. No problems.


    Here’s the link


    I hope this helps you guys

    • This post was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Frank Bond.


    Thanked by: pjhk

    Also on board with for this discount idea


    Thanked by: Jack.Sassenfeld and pjhk

    ..or how about giving SD2 owners an ezDrummer license, and we can upgrade from that? SD2 is still superior in features and content from ezDrummer.


    Thanked by: ilter
    Phenix 2

    and ezd2 to sd3 too 🙂

    You like drums, iconic sounds and drum plugins ?
    > Go and see my Youtube channel, instagram, Soundcloud and TikTok : like and and subscribe !


    I agree. It is a jerk move to leave your existing SD2 customers without an upgrade option. I just stumbled onto this when thinking of upgrading and realized there is no SD2 to SD3 upgrade path. Really?


    Thanked by: rusty rusty, Pete_34 and ilter

    I agree too! This is burning me up. I paid full price for SD2 like two years ago, and now I gotta come up with another $350 to get the upgrade. Why on earth does an EZ Drummer customer get a crossgrade price, and not a SD2 user? It boggles my mind! Now I think I’ll just get BFD3. I downloaded the demo and it actually sounds a little better, imo. I need a better interface than SD2. Something more modern!


    Thanked by: rusty rusty and Pete_34
    Phenix 2

    i prefer ezd 2 to sdd3

    You like drums, iconic sounds and drum plugins ?
    > Go and see my Youtube channel, instagram, Soundcloud and TikTok : like and and subscribe !


    I hate to beat a dead horse but this is something I would expect from Avid NOT TT!

    I started with EZD years and upgraded to SD2 so I basically paid full retail for SD2 NOW I get no credit for purchasing your flag ship product? I am very disappointed!

    I upgraded ProTools last in 2015 or something. I have 12.6… I am done. I use Samplitude Pro X and Cubase Pro 10. I keep them up to date. Why? Because they have always took care of me as a customer.

    Today, I needed some orchestral percussion. I was prepared to upgrade and buy the OP set. You lost a sell. I will go elsewhere. It’s the principle of it.

    You really should repent. You screwed your best customers and for what?


    Thanked by: rusty rusty, Pete_34 and ilter

    I hate to beat a dead horse but this is something I would expect from Avid NOT TT!

    I started with EZD years and upgraded to SD2 so I basically paid full retail for SD2 NOW I get no credit for purchasing your flag ship product? I am very disappointed!

    I upgraded ProTools last in 2015 or something. I have 12.6… I am done. I use Samplitude Pro X and Cubase Pro 10. I keep them up to date. Why? Because they have always took care of me as a customer.

    Today, I needed some orchestral percussion. I was prepared to upgrade and buy the OP set. You lost a sell. I will go elsewhere. It’s the principle of it.

    You really should repent. You screwed your best customers and for what?

    Exactly, it’s the Avid move.

    It seems like ToonTrack too, has become a company that is not a customer, but a profit-oriented.
    Too bad 🙁

    Music Producer, Mixer
    Certified Pro Tools Instructor
    & Creative at Apple

    • This post was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by ilter.


    Thanked by: Pete_34
    Michael Richardson

    I agree, I would pull the trigger (no pun intended) on SD3 also!


    Thanked by: Pete_34 and ilter

    Not only are we getting screwed for our SD2 purchase, but we cannot even see SD3 Forum posts. I’ve never been treated by ANY software company like this. I went from DFH to SD3 with 3-EZX expansions and 2- SDX expansions and my investment gets no respect. It’s pitiful and there is no way I’ll EVER buy SD3 without a discount. I can make really good drum performances with what I have and I’m not going to be treated like crap for my investment and spend MORE with a company that treats me this way. From my experience, companies like this only treat me worse next time.

    • This post was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Swurveman.


    Thanked by: rusty rusty, Pete_34 and ilter
    Hill Music

    I felt kidded too.

    I bought EZD1 then EZD2 then SD2 and round about 10 extentions and serveral Midipacks.

    And i was to late for the SD3  happy hour sale…

    but i thought i have bought so many things that they give another chance or for example a direct link or something else.  But nothing….

    I would give 150€ for that Crossgrade!

    For sure I never will buy something again from Toontrack until they fix this fault!

    Best wishes

    • This post was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Hill Music.
    Jeff Sepeta

    I do not understand why there is no upgrade path from Superior Drummer 2 to Superior Drummer 3. I was unemployed for 13 months so I could not afford to purchase the upgrade when it was available. I have already purchased EZ Drummer upgrades and multiple kits, so it’s not as if I’m a one-time customer. I simply don’t understand why I should be forced to buy a $300 upgrade when everyone else and their grandma keeps upgrades between $100-$200, even Steinberg. In fact upgrading from Absolute 3 to Absolute 4 is only $99, which means I’m more likely to use Groove Agent 5 in the future.

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