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Create my OWN drum loop: How???

Studio Corner
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  • Robshi


    I’m afraid ezdrummer is a playback instrument and doesn’t have the functionality you are looking for. Toontrack do make a program called ezplayer which you may find useful but I don’t think it works in the way you mention. Probably the simplest option would be to find a midi groove in ezdrummer which is the closest to what you want and then edit it in the midi editor of logic. I use cubase so dnt know the ins and outs of logic especially the express version but it should have a basic midi editor probably in the form of a piano roll style. This is really simple to use and you should even be able to loop it while playing and recording so you can just add each drum on a separate pass like you were enquiring about if you wanted to build your own grooves from scratch.



    you can definitely ‘overdub’ a track in Logic Express, which is likely the best program you own in your arsenal to program custom drum track. I do recommend the same as Robshi though, that you start from an existing groove, at least while you get familiar with Logic MIDI editing tools.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    Thanks for the help and advice! I’m gonna get to work with that right away!

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