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Crash too loud

E-drum Workshop
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  • Juicy

    SD2 or EZ ?

    Tim Seneca

    Change your sensitivity on your exit triggering on the drum module.

    Tim SD2, NY2, NY3, Evil Drums, Music City, Metal Foundry, C&V, Rock Warehouse, Metal Machinery EZD2, Metal Machine, Metalheads, Pop!, Indie Folk, # 1 Hits, Claustrophobic, Electronic, Rock Solid, The Classic, Metal!, Nashvile, The Blues, DFH, EZMix, EZKeys


    correct me if i’m wrong…but i believe your problem can be solved by going to: Construct Tab > Instrument window in the bottom right hand corner > choose the articulation thats too loud for you > click “edit articulation” button > and adjust the volume with the little fader right there.

    ORIGINAL: thecamokaze

    Hey guys I am playing a set of Alesis Pro Kit drums with the IO trigger, my snare toms bass hi hat and ride are fine, but when I hit my crash it will almost bust your ear drums. I can’t figure out how to turn it down, any suggestions?

    Ryan Hayden


    Totally if using SD2 and just one articulation- he never came back to tell us .

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