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Crash Cymbal Decay Cuts Out

E-drum Workshop
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  • Juicy

    Perhaps the Cymbal sounds hadn’t loaded fully in to the ram buffer as this may take a bit longer than the snare and kick then toms….
    If after a minute it hasnt loaded fully there maybe some other issue.
    You may want to fill in your system info .


    Your probably correct about your assessment.As for my PC specs,it’s a 6-core 2.80 AMD processor,8GB of RAM,1 TB HD…running Windows 7



    Make sure the blue ‘loading’ bar at the bottom right of EZD has fully loaded all samples into RAM before playing.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    ORIGINAL: Scott

    Make sure the blue ‘loading’ bar at the bottom right of EZD has fully loaded all samples into RAM before playing.

    Yeah…that’s probably what caused the glitch,because I still have yet to become acclimated to the loading times,because I’ve been programmed to immediately start playing drums as soon as I assign an instrument to a track..being so accustomed to drum modules with zero loading times.
    I sometimes forget to wait for presets to load…a bad habit I need to break.


    Morris Manning

    I have a similar issue but everything is loaded correctly ,  it starts out well but decays abruptly.

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