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Couple questions about mixing guitar with EZmix

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  • John


    EZmix presets do not offer a way to switch on or off separate elements, you have controls for more or less of some of the currently active parts in a preset. So if you find a preset that you like but you want to switch off the Amp, that does not work. Since EZmix is low on resources, there’s no problem using several instances in tandem to get a particular sound if one single preset doesn’t.
    EZmix can definitely be used to make professional sounding mixes.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: Ted Hetfield

    Are you saying that there’s no such thing as an individual effect unless there’s a preset comprising only that effect? So if I want to use the “overloud” effect, I’d have to select a preset that has it?

    Which effects or presets are designed for guitar tracks recorded from a preamp with cab impulses (or an actual amp and mic’d cab) for a bigger, fuller sound?


    ORIGINAL: jscomposer

    Are you saying that there’s no such thing as an individual effect unless there’s a preset comprising only that effect? So if I want to use the “overloud” effect, I’d have to select a preset that has it?

    Yes, more or less.

    Which effects or presets are designed for guitar tracks recorded from a preamp with cab impulses (or an actual amp and mic’d cab) for a bigger, fuller sound?

    There’s the ‘Amp’ Preset Pack, of course but there are some in several packs. I can only recommend listening to the demos and ask existing users here about their opinion and experience. Hopefully someone chimes in here.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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