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Copyright question about use of EZDrummer

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • mkoff

    sorry to bump an old thread and after reading the updated EULA, I think I’m safe here.  But one question based on John’s response from May.

    I’ve been getting into hardware samplers. More specifically I picked up a Maschine Plus a few months ago.  I also have a 2Box Drumit 3, which some might know as an electronic drum kit module, both of which have software that allows for creating your own one-shot samples with multiple velocity layers. And they can play those samples as standalone units, no computer connection required.

    Is it safe to assume that as long as I’m not selling or giving away the samples I create,  it’s okay to use samples I’ve created from SD3 or EZD3 to turn my samplers into playable instruments for my own performances and/or recording, as accompaniment to copyrighted music of my own creation?

    • The post has been modified 5 times, last modified 6 months, 1 week ago by mkoff.
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