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Controlling the Volume of Opening Crash

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Michael

    I am able to adjust velocity on an opening hit in my version of EZdrummer 2.0.1… Im not sure why it would not work in yours.

    I have asked the programmers for more info. We will get back to you soon.

    Michael Sanfilipp - Toontrack
    Technical Marketing Coordinator

    Jon Henri2

    Thanks, sometimes it works and other times it doesn’t. It’s enough to pull my hair out and it’s thinning as it is.


    That could be useful information…

    When does it work? Does it work when you use grooves from the library and not the blank groove that you have saved?

    can you send us your EZdrummer project? You can upload it to this forum.

    Michael Sanfilipp - Toontrack
    Technical Marketing Coordinator

    Jon Henri2

    I couldn’t upload one of my projects. The .ezdp files were greyed out and not available for uploading so I’ve created a video screen capture.


    Hi Jon,

    Please send the EZDrummer document in an email to: info (at) Toontrack (dot) com.

    Obviously replace the “at” and “Dot” with the correct symbols.

    In the email please write Attention Michael Sanfilipp and provide this forum link

    Michael Sanfilipp - Toontrack
    Technical Marketing Coordinator

    Jon Henri2

    Thanks Michael, it seems to work now. You guys must have sent a bit of hokus pokus over my way. Actually, it may have to do with simply restarting my computer and clearing the cache. I’ll let you know if it happens again.
    PS Do you have rock/pop fills that are not so busy? Some of them are actually drum solos if you combine them.


    Great. When in doubt restart the computer.

    Check out the Songwriters Fill packs for less busy grooves:

    You can hear all of the grooves in this pack by using the Show webshop MIDI button. Follow these instructions:

    Michael Sanfilipp - Toontrack
    Technical Marketing Coordinator

    Jon Henri2

    Hi Michael, is the Songwriters Fill pack not a download. or is something that will be shipped to me. I paid already and I’m wondering how long it will take to get to me in Canada. I was hoping for a download to get started.


    MIDI packs are download only.

    since you were Logged into your “other” Toontrack account at the time of purchase the MIDI pack was auto registered to this account.

    I have now moved the songwriters MIDI pack to your Toontrack account with the Yahoo address.

    Please log into this account to access your products.

    It is highly recommended that you ONLY use One single account.

    Michael Sanfilipp - Toontrack
    Technical Marketing Coordinator


    Thanks I will.

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