I have been trying all sunday long to get this working… first what im using… Im on a pc, ableton 8.. using ezdrummer DKFH VST, Im running MIDI through A US122( sucks I know ) I have a yamaha dtxpress 3 electronic drum kit with pads, and Im trying to map the drums to match… ie the kick sound of the DKFH to match my kick drum. Now I just plug in the drum set MIDI to my machine and It does work to some degree on channel 10.. but my kick drum is the snare and my snare is a cymbal.. so I cant get them to match up, Ive been searching and searching for a way, How can I get this to work? I look at Midi mapping in ezdrummer and it gives me a keyboard to go off of, I dont see how that corresponds to my drum pads, how and where do I map these out correctly? and helps hints or ideas would be ever so great. thank you in advance