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Conflicting info on EZkeys compatibility

EZkeys Pre-sales
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  • Michael

    The compatibility information on is accurate. Windows 7 or higher is required for use. Thats not to say that it wont work on Vista, just that we have not tested it.

    The same is true for EZDrummer 2, EZmix 2, and Superior Drummer 2.

    Michael Sanfilipp - Toontrack
    Technical Marketing Coordinator


    Odd, I am using ezmix 2 fine.. and I think Ive had superior drummer since before windows 7 was released.. im certain superior drummer didnt always require win 7

    Do you mean that the latest updated versions havent been tested on <windows 7

    Its not a huge deal breaker i guess, Im going to update to a new DAW soon anyway, but it seems like all the sudden the products are listing the windows 7 requirement. I know that some people tried installing superior drummer 2 and the installer wont even install it. It just kicks out the message that it needs windows 7. Im just wondering if I would get the same with EZkeys or would it be more like EZmix 2 and Superior drummer where its just not technically supported but it may work.



    I wanted to clarify whether you are able to add a folder of your own MIDI files, like you can in EZDrummer, where the folder will appear in the menu along with the factory installed ones? Or do they have to be dragged from, let’s say, the desktop into the EZKeys track one by one?

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    Under ‘Menu’->’Browser’ in EZkeys there is a selection for ‘Add Folder to Browser’. If you have a folder of piano MIDI, use that to add to the MIDI browser in EZkeys.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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