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Combining Brushes and Sticks…

Studio Corner
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  • John


    the Chico Girl Superior 2 instance has the same snare set up as an X-drum with brushes.
    The easiest way to set up the whole kit for switching between sticks and brushes is using 2 instances though, since all samples need to be loaded as both and the setting up of notes would demand some serious planning and assigning.

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks John.

    Well I hope in the future S2 develops into a program that allows users to use whatever they want easily. Right now the way it’s set up is rather rigid, IMHO…we should just be able to drag the image of any drum we want into the set, pick the articulation… and go….


    Logic 9.1.4
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    OSX 10.6.7
    Apogee Duet 2

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