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Christmas calendar for non-facebook users?

The Pub
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  • Scott

    My guess is that Toontrack uses Facebook as a marketing tool. So, if you’re in that special ‘FB Club’, you’ll get special deals. If not…

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Knut Lamvik

    Hey, the calendar suddenly showed up on the home page! Wonderful. Toontrack’s got more important things to do than recruiting members for facebook. Wink

    Addi Manseicher


    I am not a FB user and I was also quite happy that they put the offers on the homepage too.

    Yesterday I purchased a deal. Today the christmas calendar seems to be gone again…. A withdrawal?

    What’s happening here?

    Come on, Toontrack, you have outstandingly good products, and those of us who do not use FB have probably good reasons for doing so.

    We will stick with you even if the calendar is “only” on your homepage.. For to be honest, your homepage is all I need.

    Wortmann Terra PC with Intel i7 4 x 3,2 GHz, 16 GB RAM; EMU 1820m; Win 8.1 64 bit; Cubase 5.5.3 & Cubase 7.0.7; lots of Software instruments by EastWest, NI, Toontrack, XLN Audio, Steinberg, Soniccouture, Best Service... just to mention a few.

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