Hi everyone,
This is my first post here.
I am using a Roland TD30KV kit in combination with Superior Drummer (initially 2 and now 3) for a rather long time now. I am using this combo mostly for practising and recording (though I have also played live with it a few times). Basically, the TD30 module is connected via a midi cable to a Behringer XR18 digital mixer which in turn is connected via a USB cable to a Macbook pro laptop. This allows me to record (most often using Garageband as a DAW) not only my drums in midi format but also the rest of the musicians in the band (each of them on a separate track). Overall, I am very happy with this simple yet effective set up. One the one hand, my drums sound very good (IMO), are quite and also have a very realistic feel. On the other hand, the ability to record every musician in the band on a separate track has allowed us to track our progress very effectively.
Now, about a week ago I bought a Pearl Mimic Pro module and now I am considering the possibility of replacing my trusted Roland TD-30 module with the Mimic. I have inserted the Mimic module in the set up described above and after choosing the Pearl Mimic Pro option in the Settings/Midi In/E-drums menu and playing a bit with the hi-hat parameters, things have started to work rather well. The only thing which does not work right now, is the cymbal choking function. Can anyone here help me solve this problem?
I thank you in advance for you time and consideration.
Best wishes and stay safe,