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Cheap midi drumset for SD3?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Mark King

    Why not hop over to vdrum forum and ask the question there. One thing you would miss is positional sensing on the td1. The trouble is the Roland’s have som of the best triggering. There is the alesis io with no sounds and I think drum do one too but the triggering is not as good as Roland

    SD3 with older sdx,s plus Rooms of Hansa and Death & Darkness. Cubase and wavelab current versions. Roland TD50x using all trigger inputs for triggering SD3 only. Windows 11 computer. Various keyboards and outboard gear as well as VST instruments. Acoustic drums: Yamaha 9000 natural wood and Pearl masters. Various snare drums. RME BabyFace Pro FS and Adam A7X monitors

    Kevin Stahl

    I have a TD1-KV set. The set you are talking about would limit you to single triggers on all the drum pads, 2 zone (edge and center) on all the cymbals. The cymbals also have the choke. If you get the kit with the mesh snare, it adds a rim shot. There’s no crossstick on the snare nor is there a ride bell sent to an external MIDI source. I have re-mapped my ride to change the edge to a bell, and the rim shot to a cross stick.

    So I guess you could re-map all the pads to whatever you’d like via SD3 (I use EZD2 so I can’t do that as easily) but the lowest end TD1K might not meet your needs if you require a bunch of triggers to get your intended sound.

    Lars Bartkuhn

    Thanks for all your answers. Positional triggering is the thing to go looking after then 🙂
    Will do some more research!


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