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Changing the computer

Product Manager
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  • Scott

    Yes. It’s as simple as downloading Product Manager onto the new computer, logging in, and then downloading, installing, and authorizing your products.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    What a mess…I’ve transferred EZD from my old Imac to my new one. The program wanted authorization so I followed instructions and after about 15 min. fighting with the password reset I got the Product Manager on my desktop and clicked ‘install’ and the program is still asking for authorization. Do I need to uninstall the original program before reinstalling? I’m clueless at this point.


    @RustyK said:
    What a mess…I’ve transferred EZD from my old Imac to my new one. The program wanted authorization so I followed instructions (that is about 15 min. fighting with the password reset) I have the Project Manager on my desktop and clicked ‘install’ and the program is still asking for authorization. Do I need to uninstall the original program before reinstalling? I’m clueless at this point.  

    I’m not following you.

    Project Manager is asking for authorization? Of what exactly?

    Uninstall and reinstall what? Program Manager?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Eureka! I’ve successfully completed re-authorization! Sorry for the inconvenience!

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