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Changing tempo in EZ Drummer 2

Requests and Feedback
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  • David Lentz

    That’s what I came here looking for. As cool as ezd2 is it does seem as though you should be able to change tempos within a song.


    Thanked by: Tapplegate75

    Thanks for your words. This feature is something we have discussed, but we felt at the time of designing that it would add complexity into the user interface of EZdrummer 2, and since it’s possible to set time signatures and tempo in the DAW (which EZdrummer 2 will follow) we decided to design it the way it’s designed now.

    We are, however, constantly updating the software to include customers requests and your ideas are noted!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Thanked by: Jeff Caplin
    Narayana Cooper

    Hi Toontrack.
    I require this feature also as I’ve noticed I can “write” a drum beat using Guitar Pro 5 and export that as a MIDI file which I then import/drag-and-drop into EZD2 standalone. The only problem is it doesn’t recognize time signature and/or tempo changes, which I use a lot.
    I do have an Alesis DM5 Pro e-kit but cannot put it to use as yet due to space and noise restrictions where I live, hence the programing.
    I do not possess any DAW software as yet but record on my Yamaha MD4 Multi-track Digital Home Studio and need to be able to program my songs drum beats, including time and tempo changes, to record onto the MD4 to then record the other song parts to.
    Being able to do this would make this software purchase actually usable for me, and I would personally very much appreciate you including this feature set as a future update, as soon as possible.

    Thank you.


    Narayana Cooper/Nimir-Anu of CHAOS – Chaotic Black Death!


    Thanked by: Tapplegate75

    @Henrik said:
    ‘ we felt at the time of designing that it would add complexity into the user interface of EZdrummer 2’

    Added complexity??? Your developers don’t think tempo change is important????
    If I had a drummer show up that can only manage ‘Half Tempo’ and ‘Double Tempo’ changes then it would be a deal breaker.


    Thanked by: LAURA COLLINS
    Les Barker

    i think they understand the importance of it. You can see why when running in a DAW you would let your DAW of choice control tempo mapping.

    In standalone, ok I agree it would be useful for those who do not have a DAW, but otherwise i am impressed that some can write an entire song for drums without comparing it to any instruments. I personally don’t have the skills to do that.

    Narayana Cooper

    Haha! Finally, I bought my Steinberg UR-44 Audio Interface that comes with Cubase AI7 DAW Software! Wink
    NOW, I can start getting my songs’ drum beats together properly. YAY!!!! Laugh

    Although, now I need a new Laptop PC that can run the prog’s properly… and it never ends! Frown

    Tim Harbusch

    @Henrik said:

    Thanks for your words. This feature is something we have discussed, but we felt at the time of designing that it would add complexity into the user interface of EZdrummer 2, and since it’s possible to set time signatures and tempo in the DAW (which EZdrummer 2 will follow) we decided to design it the way it’s designed now.

    We are, however, constantly updating the software to include customers requests and your ideas are noted!

    I have the same Problem. We use EZDrummer2 as a Standalone Program for rehearsal in our band because our drummer is not always present. It is much easier to programm the songs in GuitarPro, export the midi drum and play along with ezdrummer. Therfore it would be great if ezdrummer itself could change tempo for each section in the midi drum file.


    I was about to buy EZDrummer 2, but I’m glad I tried the demo first. I exported a midi drum track from Guitar Pro (which is how a usually make drum “prototypes” since I’m a guitarist) and imported it into EZDrummer. It sounded awful due to lack of tempo changes. First I thought that there’s some magic setting somewhere that would make EZDrummer use the original tempos, but I guess I was wrong, now that I saw this thread. This would be a VERY important feature even for me who would only need the tool when writing new songs and demonstrating them to the other band members. Definately a deal breaker for me.


    Matti_1: We’re talking about Tempo changes within a Song, right? Changing Tempo of an entire Song is done below the Song Track. Just saying in case you missed it.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @John said:

    Matti_1: We’re talking about Tempo changes within a Song, right? Changing Tempo of an entire Song is done below the Song Track. Just saying in case you missed it.

    That’s right, within a song. I have different parts in the same song with different tempos, and I didn’t find a way to do that after importing the midi track.

    Mark Yurkovic

    This is awful. There’s no other way to describe it.

    The fact that I don’t have a simple button to audition 1/2 time against other groves just tells me someone who is not in tune with the creative process took this function away.

    What’s worse is to have it, then have it taken away


    This is awful. There’s no other way to describe it.

    The fact that I don’t have a simple button to audition 1/2 time against other groves just tells me someone who is not in tune with the creative process took this function away.

    What’s worse is to have it, then have it taken away

    Are you talking about this button?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Mark Yurkovic


    I have updated to the latest version and this STILL doesn’t even show up. All I have is “Preview Original Tempo” window…NO tempo window at all. I’ve been given the advice to update and I did. The next set of advice might be to reinstall, but is there anyway to talk to a tech direct. I went from having this to not having it at all…Didn’t change a thing…..opened up a new version and it simply wasn’t there!!!


    Was the .dll moved manual since it was originally installed?

    Are you using both 32-bit and 64-bit EZD2? Or just one?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    If you turn off “Follow Host” you can change the tempo within EZDRUMMER2.

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