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Can’t get Roland VH-11 hihat & SD2 to work smoothly

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    I also had big problems with my VH-11 and triggering. The VH-11 was so sensitive when I hit it and moved my foot that it always sent CC data that caused jumpy triggering.
    Didn’t experience it that way with the internal sounds.
    IIRC, I had smoother results with an FD-7 and a CY-pad.
    I ended up getting a Hart Pro kit to use with my TD-12 and it was a big difference, it doesn’t only feel more like a real hi hat to play on, I got much better and smoother triggering.
    I am pretty sure a VH-12 would work much better as well.

    Can you record some examples and attach the MIDI to a post here so I may take a look at the data? You may have to ZIP it first.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Mark Whelan

    Hi, thanks for the response. I’ll record a midi file & post it up later.

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