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Can’t Contact Support! Help!

EZdrummer Pre-sales
Viewing 14 replies - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)
  • usforce

    Also getting a message Failed To Load Audio Driver


    Hi ‘usforce’,

    this is from the FAQ, please read it carefully:

    We would like to attract our customers and prospective buyers attention to the following extracts of the End User License Agreement (EULA):

    INSTALLATION. You (One [1] user) may install and use the Product on a single computer. Installation is considered complete when registration of the Product has been accepted by the automatic procedure at the Toontrack Music website. You may move the Software to a different Computer provided only one copy is in use at any one time.

    TRANSFER. Transfer to Third Party is prohibited. The initial owner of the Product may not transfer the Product to another end user. Exceptions may be granted at our discretion, strictly on demand from the registrant prior to concluding arrangements with the party interested in acquiring the license.

    In practice we allow the software to reside on up to two (2) computers, at the express condition that only one copy shall be in use at any one time. Roaming users need to ensure that their stationary copy is locked or can otherwise not be used by another user during their absence. Failure to take reasonable steps to this effect is a breach of the EULA and may lead to your license being suspended.

    In respect to license transfer, please note the below information, for your own benefit:

    You are the Seller – it is imperative that written consent is obtained by you (the licensee and seller) prior to a sale. We only disallow transferal in extreme circumstances but failure to follow the procedure outlined above may result in transfer being refused. We may instead charge a nominal fee if written permission is not requested prior to transfer. This decision is final and non negotiable.

    You are the Buyer – as a prospective buyer monitoring the 2nd hand market you should always seek guarantees from the party transferring the license to you. It is in your interest to do so and you expose yourself to severe inconveniences if you ignore this recommendation and you may be asked to pay the transfer fee should the seller refuse to cover this cost.

    It is also important to note that 2nd hand licenses are non transferable thereafter. Toontrack Music may, at their discretion, allow further transfers but at the cost of a service fee, as available in our webshop (currently 49 USD or 39 EUR). This service fee will NOT be lifted in any circumstances so please note the limitations stated herein.

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I can’t get EZplayer Pro to authorize. The authorization screen comes up with correct computer ID but when I tab or point to the authorization code field box (which puts a blue highlight around the box) I can neither type entry into it or paste into it. My serial and codes are all correct, but the authorize box is basically frozen. I have reinstalled all programs (twice making sure everything was deleted) with no solution. I’m using Mu.Lab 3.0.38 Daw. There appears to be either no supprt ticket entry here at Toontrak, or it’s well hidden. I have checked the known issues log on the EZP FAQ.
    Please advise,

    iMac (Late Fall 2009)


    Hi 2busdriver,

    this is not the place for Technical Support. If you didn’t see the Support Forum section, please log out and in again and post in the EZplayer Help section.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks John, done. Installed Solo and authorized that way.

    Nicholas Little

    Hi John,
    I am thinking about selling my Superior Drummer 2.0 on ebay and wanted to ask, in respect of what is written below, at what point should I contact Toontrack to request a license transfer? Do I need to wait until I have a confirmed buyer or should I let them know of my intention to sell prior to this? Also, what contact details should I use to do this?
    Thanks for your help with this.
    I look forward to hearing from you.



    please use the ‘About > Contact Shipping/Office’ link prior to getting a confirmed buyer, since the buyer may contact Toontrack to see if it is a legit sale.
    Include the serial of the product you intend to sell and the email address it is registered to.

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Nicholas Little

    Hi John,
    Thank you for the info. That’s very kind.
    Hope you are having a good day!
    With best wishes,


    hi, i just received ezdrummer lite with my new PreSonus Studio, for use on my pc….
    does anybody know if i may be eligible for a discount to upgrade to the full version of EZ Drummer?


    Hi Greg,

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I am also finding it impossible to contact “support” this is rediculous! All I get is an error message. I need help in authorizing and cannot contact anyone. Atleast giive us an e-mail address to customer service or a phone number to call.


    Hi Eric,

    you’re good to go now.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Same story here, well almost. I can find EZ Drummer on my list of programs on the Windows Control Panel but Cubase won’t find it. I’ve tried to download the latest version of ezd from the toontrack website and receive error messages. What’s easy about ez drummer – nothing apparently. How about providing some support toontracks!!!?


    Hi Gary, please post in the EZdrummer Help section for registered users.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

Viewing 14 replies - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)

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