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Cannot “Unauthorize” a computer

Product Manager
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  • tonyzap

    I need to unauthorize my Programs in Toontracks

    my info

    Tony Zapata


    Jordan Atwell

    Has this been resolved? I’m having the same problem. I had SDX on two computers and just unauthorized one, only to find that I still can’t download the content. Have you all figured this out?





    Has this been resolved? I’m having the same problem. I had SDX on two computers and just unauthorized one, only to find that I still can’t download the content. Have you all figured this out?




    I’ve removed all inactive authorizations. Have you had computer problems as the reason you needed to go through the 4 authorizations so quickly?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Jordan Atwell

    I am not aware that I went through the 4 authorizations. I thought I had it on my home studio computer (mac studio) I just tried to put it on my laptop (which is brand new and assigned to me through work) but to my knowledge, I hadn’t authorized any computers other than my studio computer.

    Forgive the ignorance, how are there 4 authorizations while there are only two slots. I have upgraded two computers lately, but I thought that as long as they were ‘unassigned’ I could continue choose between the two slots. i went from an older iMac to a mac studio and as I said above, I have a new MacBook Pro computer I’m trying to authorize. Because of the nature of my job, I’m often supplied new computers.

    Thanks for your help and the response!

    All the best,


    I am not aware that I went through the 4 authorizations. I thought I had it on my home studio computer (mac studio) I just tried to put it on my laptop (which is brand new and assigned to me through work) but to my knowledge, I hadn’t authorized any computers other than my studio computer.

    Forgive the ignorance, how are there 4 authorizations while there are only two slots. I have upgraded two computers lately, but I thought that as long as they were ‘unassigned’ I could continue choose between the two slots. i went from an older iMac to a mac studio and as I said above, I have a new MacBook Pro computer I’m trying to authorize. Because of the nature of my job, I’m often supplied new computers.

    Thanks for your help and the response!

    All the best,

    You had 4 computers authorized.





    Does someone else have access to your Toontrack account?

    The Toontrack license is a single user license. A single user usually has 2 workstations. Perhaps a laptop rig and a desktop system. That’s why there are 2 slots. And 4 authorizations so they can be changed a couple of times when new computer systems are upgraded/purchased.

    The authorization system automatically removes inactive authorizations over a period of time but not when 4 are used within 15 months.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Jordan Atwell

    I will change my password and make sure everything is more secure. I did, at one point have two other computers so that makes sense. One of those is my current studio, but I’m not sure what the others are. Thank you for your time!


    ALFIE 11

    I have over 40 products woth toontrack. Started woth 1 pc then added a mac.


    When the mac crashed I went out and bought a new one installed toontrack then in 2 week the Mac crashed again since I had 15 days to swap for a new one I did …I unauthorized all 40 product from the new mac then reinstalled on the replacement.  Then 2bdays later this mac crashed too error fault 11 .

    I got sick of macs and went and swapped for a pc instead when I went to authorize my 40 products it s saying I used all my slots. I though unauthorizing each mac that crashed in a w week period it freed up my authorizations I was wrong

    Please clear my authorizations.

    I have the original pc and a new one

    All my macs crashed and got wiped out


    I’m left with 2 pcs

    Operating system: Windows 11

    Hi Alfie,

    I have cleared 2 slots for you.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Eugene Beresin

    I have two computers authorized and just got a new laptop. I may want to use the new one instead of one of the older ones. If I remove an authorization on an old laptop and then want to use it can I reauthorize it? In other words, can you authorize and deauthorize when you need to use one or another, and how is this done?

    Is there a say to let Toontracks know what computers I have?

    Operating system: macOS Monterey (12)
    Debbie Childress


    I have a similar issue, and need some guidance please.   I just downloaded EZ Drummer 3 on my PC.  When I was installing the Core Library, I lost my WiFi for a short time, which caused the Authorization step to not happen as it should.  The red message stated “Download of EZdrummer 3 Core Library has stopped. Verification completed but the download could then not be renamed. Access is denied.”  I clicked the Arrow and the installation continued, and the Downloads message changed to green “Complete.  All downloads have finished.”

    On the Core Library > Authorizations screen it has a green check mark beside “Authorize This Computer” and states “The product is authorized on this computer even though you don’t have any authorization for this computer on your account now.”    How can I get this corrected, so my PC shows on this screen correctly?

    Or, should I just leave it this way?  Would it cause me any issues moving forward?   I do plan on also installing EZ Drummer on my Laptop, so I will have it installed on both my PC and Laptop.

    I appreciate your assistance.




    Operating system: Windows 10
    Doug LIM

    Hi EZD..,

    I’ve 2 laptops with EZD2/3 loaded at present. Recently one of the laptop is begining to crash quite often due to its old age! I’m thinking of getting a new laptop and transfer EZD2/3 from the old one. What are the procedures to do this transfer?? Thanks for your assistance. Have a good day EZD.


    Operating system: Windows 10

    Hi EZD..,

    I’ve 2 laptops with EZD2/3 loaded at present. Recently one of the laptop is begining to crash quite often due to its old age! I’m thinking of getting a new laptop and transfer EZD2/3 from the old one. What are the procedures to do this transfer?? Thanks for your assistance. Have a good day EZD.


    Operating system: Windows 10

    Hi Doug,

    launch the Toontrack Product Manager on the old laptop first and go to the EZdrummer 2/3 product. Click ‘Show Details’ then the Authorizations tab. You will see one of the active authorisations saying “(this computer)“. Click the ‘Remove’ button to remove the Authorisation from the old laptop. This now has freed upp one Auth slot which you then can use on the replacement laptop.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Doug LIM

    Hi John…!

    Thanks for your quick assistance!!! Have a wonderful day.


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