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cannot connect td4k to mac with um-one midi cable..getting mad at it

Studio Corner
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  • Juicy

    John was talking about the Transmit ON of the midi/kit as seen here i think.




    yes Matthew, that was what I was referring to. Tx/Rx ON on the MIDI CH page.
    Please check that as well, Martwells. Local=OFF is on another page and is good to have OFF to reduce latency.

    The MIDI Controller type in Toontrack solo and E-drums Mapping are two completely different things but they both affect your MIDI triggering.
    In Toontrack solo, you set the ‘Options > Controller > Default’ not ‘E-drums’.

    In Superior 2, you go to the Mapping page then select Presets > MIDI > E-drums Specific > Roland.

    To test if the MIDI interface is working on the Mac you go to ‘Applications/Utilities’ and open the ‘Audio MIDI Setup’.
    You should see the MIDI Studio window with the standard IAC, Network and Bluetooth interface boxes but also a box for your MIDI interface.
    If you only see Audio Devices, go to the Window menu and select ‘Show MIDI Studio’.
    With the TD-12 connected to the MIDI interface, in turn connected to the Mac, you click the little keyboard on the top of the MIDI Studio window to enter test MIDI Setup mode.
    Then when you hit your pads connected to the TD-12, you should see a small arrow blinking at the bottom your MIDI interface’s box in MIDI Studio.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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