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Can I use Product Manager for a clean install?

Product Manager
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  • lchalk

    Yes you can! I had a MBR failure several months ago and had to do a complete reinstall of everything and it was completely painless. I reinstalled everything (I have over 50 products). Clicked to download everything then when to bed (it takes a while to download) In the morning I just had to click install on every package and once that was done, I clicked authorize all. Copied over my presets from my old installation to the new one and I was good as new. Just wish there was a install all button (but I see why there isn’t) having to go through the install process that many times was a little bit of a pain but all in all it was much easier than I could have possible expected. No Issues re authorizing on the same hardware.

    Thank You Toontracks, the Product Manager is AWSOME. It came out just in time. I think I had only had it a few weeks before the failure and it made getting my workstation backup and running soo much easier!

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