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Can I uninstall the demo and then re-install ?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • John

    With the Demo, I think you should uninstall and reinstall.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Tony Lacy


    That worked but I think the EZDrummer2 installer has a bug or two. Here is my workaround…

    The original problem was that the EZDrummer2 Demo installer found my EZDrummer Lite folder and installed the EZDrummer2 sound libraries into it without giving me any folder options.

    The workaround:
    After uninstalling I temporarily renamed the EZDrummer Lite folder and EZDrummer2 Demo installer then gave me options for the EZDrummer2 sound library folder. It accepted the location I entered.

    There’s another small glitch…unlike the first install, second time around (in the reinstall) the installer did NOT give a VSTi folder option. After selecting folders for the libraries the installer simply finished. But all was OK. When I fired up Reaper it found the EZDrummer Plugin and everything seems to be working OK.

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