Can I add a tom?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • John


    setting up 6 Toms with EZdrummer 2 is currently not possible, you cannot exchange a Cymbal for a drum. I think you may want to look into EZdrummer 2’s bigger brother Superior 2.
    A cross-stick/sidestick hit has its own MIDI note number so if your module sends it, EZdrummer 2 plays it back.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: mig123

    I just got EZDrummer 2 and my kit only has 1 rack tom.  How do I add another one?



    do you mean that you have the EZdrummer 2 Vintage loaded and you have more than 1 physical rack tom on your E-kit?

    The only way to solve this in EZdrummer 2 standalone is by loading the Modern and then switch out the kit pieces.



    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Phenix 2


    can we have 6 toms with a kit or sdd3?

    You like drums, iconic sounds and drum plugins ?
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    Hi x_name x,

    you can add as many instruments as you want (well, there is some kind of technical limit but I doubt you will reach it) in SD3 if you customise it.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Phenix 2

    ok thanks

    maybe sd3 one day

    You like drums, iconic sounds and drum plugins ?
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    • This post was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Phenix 2.

    i have been looking at ezdrummer 2. but my problem is that i have a set, with 10 drum triggers. 8 toms 1 snare and 1 kick. Can SUPERIOR DRUMMER 3 support that? will I be able to have a set of 8 toms and still have on my snare and kick?

    Corey McLaughlin

    Are you saying that in EZDrummer 2 you can only have the kits as defined by default? I have a similar problem as the OP. My TD-27 kit is not mapping correctly into your software. Here is an example, my rack tom 3 is mapped to your floor tom 1. I have not found a way to change this in the demo I’m currently testing.  This is just an example I’m having several other mapping issues that I won’t go into as I expect the answer is the same.

    If this is a limitation of EZDrummer 2, is it accurate to say Superior Drummer 3 allows these types of changes?

    Phenix 2

    I suggest gospel EZX which is great with 5 toms

    of course EZD2 and EZX have some limitations about the number  of toms

    You like drums, iconic sounds and drum plugins ?
    > Go and see my Youtube channel, instagram, Soundcloud and TikTok : like and and subscribe !

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