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Can acoustic and electronic drum samples be layered together in EZDrummer 2?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Scott


    No, you can’t layer samples in EZD2 without using multiple instances of EZD2 and feeding the same MIDI. You can load single instrument kit pieces from different EZX libraries inside EZD2. For example, you can load a Number 1 Hits EZX snare in the Modern kit from EZD2. But, no, you can’t layer the kit pieces.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi Just revisiting this thread….I saw that Electronic EZX has several snares you can layer with…Isn’t it conceivable that we can use one of those snares to access acoustic snares from our other EZX kits or is something else preventing that?

    Cheers, jeff


    Sorry The kit I think I meant was NUMBER #1 HITS has several snare pads….Could I add acoustic snares from my other EZX kits on there to build a hybrid snare sound??
    Cheers, jeff

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