Let me clarify…
When I build a song in standalone mode and save it as an EZD2 project file, when I open up EZD2 in my host program, how can I import the song that I built in its separate sections rather than as one continuous midi output file?
So far, I’ve tried both the export MIDI function as well as the importing all of a EZD2 project file, but importing a MIDI file when using EZD 2 in a host program only imports one continuous, non-editable song, and EZD 2 simply will not import its own project files when used as a plug-in.
The only workaround I’ve been able to find is to open EZD2 in standalone mode, create a folder in the browser for a given song and then drag each individual song section has created, give it a name that I recognize so I know where to place it, then open EZD2 in plug-in mode from within a host program, open my user folder to which I saved my song sections, and then go through the time-consuming process of re-creating the entire song. This is a bit of a pain in the neck as it requires constant checking back to the standalone version in order to ensure that I’ve placed all the individual sections in the correct order.
Is there an easier way to do this and still achieve the desired outcome of having individual sections rather than one continuous midi file? At this point in time the only thing I can think of is to work with EZD2 exclusively as a plug-in when creating a song in order to avoid having to go so the steps I described above. It would be nice to be able to work in standalone mode and have a simpler means of accomplishing the same outcome.
Any and all help is much appreciated!