Forgive me if this topic was brought up in the past, but the search function has lead me nowhere.
I am an utter, utter n00b at working with Superior Drummer. I have recently installed SD and am running it through Toontrack solo.
Everything works and triggers just fine, and i’d tried going through the BOUNCING settings as per the manual so I could start recording drum tracks to audio files
I hit the red R, and then I start playing for a little while.
I head back to the bounce screen. It SEEMS like it’s picked up some notes due to the large number presentied on the screen.
However, there are no options to “bounce through mixer” as i’ve seen in other tutorials.
Only the record and the bounce button.
I click on bounce, nothing happens.
I know i’m probably doing some horrifically wrong, or misread something. Either way, I throw meself at your mercy.
What have I failed to do?