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  • DaveyLee

    So I bought another SDX to see if the issue was replicated.  I know, it’s stupid, but I was curious.  And damned it’s the same with that title.

    Sweet Jesus these guys are killing me.


    Same thing here. Bought the EZ-Keys and a free expansion. Not as a guest- Say’s processing just like you.


    i just bought ezdrummer as a guest, then created an account to download, but no serial number email was sent to me when i bought it as a guest and cash has been taken out my bank, any suggestions guys? emailed them already as well

    Scott Elliott

    Yes, I’m in the same situation as all of you guys. Sent an email to support. Transaction was successful as the money was taken with no issues. Hope this gets solved quickly so I can spend some time with my product this weekend.


    hopefully gets resolved, not paying for it again and not going to let them just take my money and not give me anything haha


    Well, sorry others have the same problem but it is helpful to know it’s not an issue with my machine or my brain.


    Scott Elliott

    Just wanted to update and let everybody know that the transaction finally stopped processing a few minutes ago. Hopefully you guys will also get your email today!

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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