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Blues Reggae & old good Groove

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  • dthgtr

    Hi and welcome top the forums.
    You can go to  and
    Both have free sample packs with a wide variety of styles.
    I have purchased from both and quite happy with them.

    2004 Fender American Stratocaster Marshall MG 250 Digitech GNX4 Guitar Workstation Novation Impuse 49 Scarlett 8i6 Presonus Eris 5 monitors Sonar X3 Pro Win7 HP 64 Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H Intel i5 3470(3rd gen) 3.2GHz 16GB RAM (2)1TBHDD


    First i would say thank you for your response. My english is poor,and not easy to understand. So thank you again to take time to answer me,  I really appreciate.
    I will try those sites you talked about, And i will come back to comment, what can I find on it.

    Marco Win 7 64 Reaper&Samplitude11 Asus P6X58D Pemium 12Go RAM intel I7 980X RME Uc


    You will find there are a lot of people here who will go to great lengths to help answer questions.
    Also, check out the video tutorials on the main page if you have not already.
    Don’t worry about your English,my American isn’t always so goodly either.

    2004 Fender American Stratocaster Marshall MG 250 Digitech GNX4 Guitar Workstation Novation Impuse 49 Scarlett 8i6 Presonus Eris 5 monitors Sonar X3 Pro Win7 HP 64 Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H Intel i5 3470(3rd gen) 3.2GHz 16GB RAM (2)1TBHDD


    Pre-made midi for virtual drum products is just a few years old, maybe a couple of years old.
    There will be more flavours in time. It just takes time to play, record and edit them.


    As i said yesterday, i’ll try the demo on i found interresting things on BLUES, FOLK AND world. SO i bought it and i will check more completle today. ALL I  : say thank you again for your Help. I hope that i could find some grouve like RL burnside used and may some 3/4 for Zideco.

    On  there is more regggae stuff , i will check it later (i have some grooves that a friends drummer did for me, to helped me so it was less urgent…) And than’s again. : i’m agree with you but i’m be little sad that that this kind of groove arrived after the others. Cause to me it that this kind of music is so important for the other kind of music. Where was funk if there were no blues? or no rhytm’n blues? or no african music? Where was hard rock or electro if there is no indian or other ethnic music? . I like many things , modern to rock metal electro dance etc etc but all of them have some roots? how a tree could grow up without rooots?
    Anyway thank you to take time for your answer.

    Peace love liberty and muzic for all.

    Marco Win 7 64 Reaper&Samplitude11 Asus P6X58D Pemium 12Go RAM intel I7 980X RME Uc


    You can also check out Twiddly Bits at
    I have the Bill Bruford 3 Pack which is great.
    I do believe they are more designed to load in your DAW and work with your sampler there.I know the Bill Bruford pack is multitrack and can act a little odd in EZ Player Pro.
    They do not have a free sample pack and they are all $39.95 US dollars.
    You might find something you like there.
    Best of luck.

    2004 Fender American Stratocaster Marshall MG 250 Digitech GNX4 Guitar Workstation Novation Impuse 49 Scarlett 8i6 Presonus Eris 5 monitors Sonar X3 Pro Win7 HP 64 Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H Intel i5 3470(3rd gen) 3.2GHz 16GB RAM (2)1TBHDD

    Hello,I’m working with a lot of African musicians, including Youssou Ndour and Salif Keita, and I started using superior drummer awhile ago.
    I must say that for the moment I haven’t found the right sounds for this kind of music and
    I am not very good yet at editing the sounds to my liking.
    Some soundpacks are very roomy, like Nashville or music City, some are a little bit old-fashioned for me, like the classics or custom and vintage. I would love Toontracks to release a “sunnyer” soundpack for Afro/reggae music, but I have to admit it is hard for  Someone like me who doesn’t play drums to describe what I really want.
    About grooves, I think I could make some, I enjoy playing the drums on my keyboard, even though I’m not using loops very much, I like playing along the whole song, I think it’s more fun.
    If someone knows about presets for a given sound pack that would be suitable for this kind of music, I think that would help me.
    All the best,



    I wouldn’t say ‘The Classic’ was old fashioned.
    Have you really tried it, or are you going on a gut feeling?

    Dear Whitten
    sorry about old-fashioned, old-fashioned is not bad, the Beatles are old-fashioned and I love them. I love the classics, especially the four mic version.
    But tell me, what would you recommend for reggae and Afro style? I think I’m looking for bright and expressive high hats, a discreet but powerful kick, and a fat snare side stick.



    That’s why I asked you whether you’d really looked at The Classic, because it has the tonal qualities you talk about (IMHO).
    The Helios console is very nicely bright and zingy. Certainly there was no intention of going a retro route, especially as nearly all the drums are fairly contemporary, the Craviotto being the cream of the current crop.
    I don’t think there is a perfect Toontrack library for Afro and Reggae, but as far as bright and expressive hi-hats, a discreet but powerful kick, and a fat snare side stick….. that pretty much describes The Classic IMO.

    Dear Whitten,
    the best result I get for this style is by removing lots of ambience from The music city expansion pack’s default preset, and rising the high hats a little. Maybe at this point, I should mention that I’m visually impaired. There’s a great guy doing wonders for superior drummer interfaces accessibility, but it is hard to get everything working as some Windows have to be dragged around.
    So that’s why editing is not that easy for me. However, we can work with what is visible on the screen at a time, and sliding down fader 10 seems To work for what I want, While waiting for that new Afro/Reggae expansion pack.


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