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Binaural recording for drummers (presets)

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  • djabthrash

    @tanadrum : i just posted a similar message on the Toontrack facebookpage, and i can’t believe nobody else has reacted to your post since 2004, considering how obvious and brilliant this idea is…

    This would be great to play drums on an e-kit, but also to audition Superior drumkits in general !

    Here’s the message i posted :

    [DRUMMER BINAURAL MIC suggestion]


    Hi !

    One really awesome feature that should be implemented in the next Superior Drummer (and even EZdrummmer) releases IMO, would be to capture, in addition to your usual close and ambience mics, the binaural sound of the kit from the drummer’s perspective.


    This would be a great way to audition each kit, and also to have the feeling of playing real drums when you’re playing on a e-kit triggering Superior Drummer (because let’s face it : as cool and good a drum mix sounds in your ears, it doesn’t sound anything like what you hear in the room when you are playing an actual acoustic kit).


    This would be a gamechanger IMO, and that’s one of the only thing that’s lacking in the current (already awesome) Superior Drummer line, which is already badass.

    Not to mention the fact that it’s not that easy to implement, or at least no harder than the existing close mics / ambiance mics setup.”

    I sincerely hope Toontrack and the drummer/producer community hears us and that it becomes a thing.

    I would buy an extension that has this binaural mic in a heartbeat !

    Until then, i will have to tweak the mixer to make it sound kinda like a “kit in the room from the drummer’s perspective”, including trying to find the kits/extensions that have a “trash mic” track, which might have been captured from the drummer’s perspective (but still doesn’t equate an actual drummer binaural recording i guess).

    EDIT : in the “Metal Foundry SDX” from the Superior Drummer 2 line, there is an “OH drummer” track, which might be close to what we’re looking for. Boost widely around 110hz to get more of shells’ low-end and you get even closer to what we’re after.

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