I just bought Superior Drummer and a bunch of add ons in hopes of selling my Roland TD25-KV set. I love SD and realize that I could just enter drum parts using my keyboard but I was wondering if there was an easier way. I like using a full set like my Roland but it seems silly to keep it and basically have a $2500 MIDI controller.
Are there any good dedicated MIDI drum controllers out there? I was also considering a more compact drum “pad” setup or something but even those seem to come with built in sounds and such that I don’t need and probably up the price. Of course I think the most difficult part is versatility and realism of playing hi-hat parts with all the variations of closed to open.
Just trying to figure out an optimal new workflow. I’ve seen many mention the Roland kits being pretty optimal but again it just seems a waste to have a $2500 midi controller when all I really want is a good way to “play” MIDI drum parts to use in Superior. Thanks!