best method of recording with ezmix 2

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  • codamedia

    That would depend on the EZMIX preset you plan on using.

    1: If you are using an AMP preset, then you should be recording the direct guitar signal. It will sound like garbage on it’s own – but hopefully you can monitor it back from the DAW while recording.
    2: If you are planning on using an insert (effects only) then you should be recording the sound of your amp.

    NOTE: When recording your direct signal (as per #1 above) then get the best signal you can. If the guitar through a pedal on bypass sounds terrible, then don’t do it! Just record direct through the sound card if that is better. Keep in mind the demos you hear are by professionals. I don’t know your status, but you will not sound like the demos if you can’t play like the demos! (I don’t mean any offence by that)

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