Best low-mid kit for Superior, C&V, & EZD?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Kip Count

    I use a Hart Dynamics Prodigy set with mesh heads.  It’s not amazing, but it does the job, and has no problem with 16th notes.  It cost $499 about 3 or 4 years ago, and I think they are a lot cheaper now, or comes with an Alesis DM5 for the same price.   I am actually using the Alesis DM5 with the Hart Kit and that works well also.  I used to use the sounds in it before the kickbutt drum software revolution came upon us, they really aren’t that bad.  They don’t really sit in a mix too realistically, but for jamming and stuff, they are pretty good. 

    Mac Mini M1 | Studio One 6 | PreSonus 68c | EZD3

    Tim Newman

    I know, if I had to do it all over again….
    Roland TD-10, or 12, or 20
    (wait for it)

    an Alternate Mode TrapKat

    PC: Desktop, M/B: Gigabyte P55A-UD3, O/S: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, Processor: Intel Quad Core i7-860 - 2.80 GHZ, HD: WD 500 GB 7200 RPM, MEMORY: OCZ Tech 4.00 GB DDR 3, - SOUND: M-Audio Delta 1010LT -- SUPERIOR DRUMMER 2.2.1, AND LOTS-O-EZX'S


    Except for the fact that the TrapKat wouldn’t fulfill any of my needs.

    I need to be keeping up my acoustic playing chops and the feel of drumming. I already have an Alesis Control Pad for MIDI programming. I need actual drums.


    ORIGINAL: fignewton

    If you already have a kit around, why not try mesh heads with external triggers?
    I pulled out a couple toms from my kit and tired it for a live show and works really good.  I am also using Pintech Pads and actually had better reponse using EZDrummer than i did when i used Pintech with my Roland module.

    And thanks fignewton. Generally a good idea.

    But I’ll still need my acoustic set for gigging. So I can’t turn it into a modified e-drum set at home.


    I’ve finally settled on:

    Yamaha DTXpress IV Special

    For my needs, it appears to be the best combination of price and performance. And the module sounds aren’t bad at all, when I just want to do a quick practice session without firing up the computer set-up.

    Thanks for all your advice everyone.


    Did you buy the kit yet?? Your crazy if you do you. Go to there the best pads for the money, lifetime warranty on the pads no question. and his kits and like a DTX brain is way less then the express kit from Yamaha. Those pads blow bigtime. Don’t get me wrong I use Recording Custom Drums from Yamaha! but unless you buy there DTXtreme III there other pads INMO aren’t my choice. I have worked for every major electronic drum company since 1979 and have used every pads out there. I even own TD20 Custom kit as i speak. You will never go wrong using Dauz products he even has a new wood shell drum that you can swap heads from practice to acoustic to electronic drum on the same drum. what company make a drum like that? this drum is $200.00. But that my take on your setup. Good luck…


    I did buy it actually, a month or so ago. I got it for much cheaper even than the street price, though, and I even have a no interest for a year deal with $20 minimum monthly payments, which was pretty important for me, since I’ll be getting a big payment next summer, but things are a bit tight until then.

    I’ve been really happy with the kit actually. I’ve played the DTXtreme III as well, and while the pads are bigger (and you can assign the tom rims separately), I haven’t noticed any real quality difference. The DTXpress IV Special is as sensitive as I could possibly imagine. And the brain is quite good for quick praticing — but I almost always play S2.0, C&V, or EZX kits with it, though, and it is amazing with them. I run MIDI out from the DTX brain into my Alesis ControlPad, and then USB from that into my MacBook Pro, running Logic Studio. So I’ve got the kit with 50 different assignable MIDI kit set-ups, plus 8 more pads with 20 different assignable MIDI kit set-ups. So I can trigger everything S2.0 has to offer. And I love these heads so much more than the various mesh heads I’ve tried. I know it’s probably a personal choice thing, but for me these Yamaha rubber heads are the way to go. Better even than the “real-feel” of mylar heads (a la RET), or acoustic kits with triggers.

    Sound and space were also key issues for me, so anything that is the size of a full acoustic kit, or makes any more noise than my very quiet e-kit now does, would have been impossible.

    But thanks for the good suggestions. I’ll totally keep those things in mind for the future.


    Well… congrats!
    As much as I love my RET kit(s), I can honestly say that I’m glad you’ve found something you like.  That’s the most important.
    Good luck, dude!

    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.

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