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Best DAW for simple editing

Studio Corner
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  • Charles Allen

    You might find Mixcraft 7 to be to your liking. :)


    FL Studio can do it for you. The step sequencer looks exactly like that. I know a lot of people still have bad ideas about FL Studio but with a nice set of plug ins its really great to work with, any style of music.


    If you are using Mac, ultimately, you should use Logic Pro. It is what My co-guitar player uses for all of our recording.


    He edits drum track on the fly and is a super easy software to get used too


    If you are using Mac, ultimately, you should use Logic Pro. It is what My co-guitar player uses for all of our recording.

    He edits drum track on the fly and is a super easy software to get used too

    Yeah, and it costs only 200 bucks…


    The screenshot you posted is a Step Sequencer, which originally comes from how you used to program synthesizers and drum machines back in the days. It’s basically a grid editor, where the grid is locked so you only can place MIDI notes on fixed positions. It’s similar to use Snap in a grid editor, and set the resolution to 4ths or 8ths – which all DAWs can do 🙂 If you want a simple DAW on a Mac I would suggest Garageband.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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