I’ve recently decided to upgrade my whole recording setup and go fully computerised. I’ve ordered the computer itself, but I’m yet to decide on a suitable interface and DAW – this is where I hope the TT community can help out.
At present, I predominately use my computer for playing e-drums through SD2.0. The machine is old and can only just about handle a very basic kit with pretty much all of the ambient mics turned off. I’m using a PODxt as my soundcard. For recording purposes, I sort out all the drums for the song first, then transfer the audio to my hard-disk 16-track to add the other instruments. It’s time-consuming and not very flexible if I change my mind about structure etc.
I am looking for an interface and DAW that will allow me to record SD2.0 tracks in real time, as well as other instruments, with the potential for a reasonably large number of simultaneous audio track playback (but not recording – I don’t need more than two line inputs at this point in time).
At present I like the look of th M-Box mini with Pro Tools LE. I’d be interested to see if anyone has experience of this setup and knows whether it would be suitable for my purposes. Any other suggestions would be most welcome. Let’s say I have around £400 to spend.