I just upgraded my comps and I know I’m going to run into this with authorizing. One comp is fine. The other, has been rebooting via FW and I’m rolling back to Mavericks. In my TT account, I have two comps authorized and 4/4 authorizations used. I will easily de-authorize the computer I’m reformatting, but I’m afraid when I reload that now that 4/4 authorizations are in some of my TT programs, that I will be unable to use these programs until TT gives me more authorizations. Or, maybe I don’t have a clue how this works and it will give me an authorization when I de-authorize again. It didn’t yesterday when my other new comp was authorized. I also want to put all my TT samples for EzKeys and EzDrummer on my server so that both my studio macs can access the one drive on the Linux based server and stream off there. Is that something that is easy to do? My administrator is fairly good, I’m not. Thanks. Jed