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  • Juicy

    Yes i would like my old Macs auths cleaned off the slate i have many TT products and it is a cumulative worry.
    if the ILOK ( i prefer too ) is not an answer why not at least let us remove old Machines ourselves so we can
    not go through a bad situation like this it is otally uncool in a Pro setup,


    Knowing what the software behind the i-lok involves, I’d like to say that I am so glad TT does NOT use i-lok.

    I would dearly like to keep that fetid, kernel-level, invasive, buggy and dangerous viral excuse for piracy protection off my machines.

    I don’t like the software or the company that writes it. I’ll gladly deal with TT’s serial number/authorisation number system if that is the case 😉

    Rant over. Waiting for a week is a bit stiff though, I hope someone sorts you out ASAP -it’s usually dealt with within a very short time once any TT peeps notice you’re plight on these forums.


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    Problem is we are kinda pushed into a corner of waiting for it to go wrong ,i have seen some posts here get noticed very quickly but in this case
    It is a huge worry, can you see that. At least we have other Drum Software to use because some of us can not “do” downtime.


    I’m usually quick like a bunny on these type of posts on the forum. However, I can’t find the OP in the system under the name or email provided on his forum details.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Scott there is no doubt on your stellar work here.

    I have an old G4 Auth on all of mine is it too much to ask to get it removed too.



    All set.


    Please email me (using the email link on my profile page) your Toontrack account info (name and email address) and I can take care of freeing up your authorizations.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Scott can you reset my authorization for ezmix. my sn does not match with what it has matched my purchase up with for authorization



    You only have one active authorization for EZmix. There are no inactive authorizations for me to reset.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Greg Coomer

    Old thread but couldn’t see a more recent. Just had a warning saying that I’ve maxed out. I’m currently trying out different SSDs on both laptops so have authorised a few times! Is there a way I can start afresh? Tried to un-authorise but no joy!

    Click on my link, listen and sign me up to give me the lifestyle of a rock star please! Or at least give us a gig eh!

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