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Audio Bounce needs this improvement-individual tracks THROUGH the mixer

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  • tonyparis9

    @David Snow said:
    I am disappointed that there doesn’t seem to be a way to bounce every track, as separate parts, THROUGH the mixer. The choice is individual parts PRE mixer, or a stereo file POST mixer. Please guys, allow us to run individual parts THROUGH the mixer, getting back separate tracks that sound exactly like the stereo file, but separated. Now, I do understand that if you guys add this 3rd option, there still may be a slight difference between the sound of individually bounced tracks through the mixer, and the stereo file original sound. Most often, any stereo bus compressors will be hit differently when tracks go through them one at a time. So even though it may be impossible to have the individual parts sound 100% perfect due to compression, it will still be much closer. For example, the individually bounced parts sound way less impressive compared to the George Massenberg pre sets, when bounced individually with the options you give us. By bouncing them the way you guys have limited us, with the two options available, (pre mixer separated/post mixer stereo) I get muddy, dull sounding tracks instead of the nice polish George gave the tracks. Had each track gone through the master bus and mixer, the would sound much closer, if not identical to Georges mix. And I would have individual part control after. A stereo file does me little good if I want individual processing after. In the meantime, do you guy have any advise how to accomplish what I want? I think I might be able to operate all the parts in my Daw, and import them one by one, BACK into superior, and then do a stereo bounce on each one through the mixer. But this is a pain and takes away all the time saving advantage you guys have instilled in they wonderful product. Please advise.  

    I agree – I am having a totally insane time bouncing on this program. All I want is to bounce EXACTLY what I hear in the mixer section to audio files and I am just wasting night after night with no results.Frustrated


    @tonyparis9 said:

    I agree – I am having a totally insane time bouncing on this program. All I want is to bounce EXACTLY what I hear in the mixer section to audio files and I am just wasting night after night with no results.Frustrated  

    See John’s reply:

    If it doesn’t work, reply in that thread and we will help you further!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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