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Assigning Pads Using EZ Drummer 1

Studio Corner
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  • Scott

    You can’t make custom MIDI mapping in EZD1 or EZD2. You can freely assign MIDI notes to kit pieces with Superior Drummer 2.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks for the quick reply. Is there “how-to for dummies” on making custom MIDI mappings for EZD1? With Digital Performer, EZD and a physical piece of hardware from Akai, it’s one of those times I’d love to have all 3 in a room together. For some reason I thought I was told once that assigning the Akai’s pads (e.g. Kick = Pad1, Snare = Pad2, etc.) to the EZD1 sounds wasn’t possible. I thought I was told by someone (I think ToonTrack) that it was only possible in Superior Drummer. I hope I’m wrong. I’m not very tech savvy especially when it comes to MIDI. Any kind of how-to would be greatly appreciated.



    You can change the note mapping in the Akai. There is editing software for the LPD8 that allows for that. You would just need to look at the MIDI map layout in EZdrummer that shows which notes are assigned to what kit piece and change the corresponding pad note in the Akai.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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