I have a pretty regular stock standard Alesis DM10X kit. Kick, Snare, 4 toms etc..
But I also have an Alesis Sample Rack Pro.. For that I have built 2 multi pads. 6 pads on each for a total of 12 pads. I have the Sample Rack midi’d into the DM10 module, so the DM10 sends its own midi plus the midi notes from the sample rack.
From what I’ve seen in videos and online there is no kit in SD3 that matches my setup..
When I get SD3 will I be able to create my custom kit. Assign sounds to whatever midi notes I like? Or would I be limited by the pretty graphics of the kits that are nothing like my kit?
EDIT: Ok this can be disregarded. I read the manual (funny how that helps), and saw you can Add Instruments. Not sure how it will work in practice to add 12 instruments to each kit, But it does look promising.