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Application Hang….Ez Mix?

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  • onewayout_1


    Sorry about ur issue…I use reaper and have EZM 2 and a lot of the plug ins. I have never really experienced any hangs yet…Although now that I’m typing this you might want to search in EZM topics I think there was a reverb plug that was quite hungry….I just tried looking it up I remember it had something to do with church…So I just opened up my EZM and found one that is called “LIKE CHURCH” and it added about 5% to my cpu…I have an I5 with 8g of RAM so not sure what ur config is…Hope that helps…Oh and if you were using more than one of them well…(-;


    Thank you for the reply. I hope to keep reading more until it gets over to Support. I tried contacting them directly as well. Thanks again.



    If you restore your DAW, then please add one thing at a time to be able to establish what is causing problems.
    Do you get any errors or crash logs?
    If so, please attach them to a post here (ZIP if necessary, like a dump or log).


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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