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Anyonen care to aid me.. Dualboot.

The Pub
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  • VOLiTiAN

    Hey Airhead,

    Considering you have separate drives, I wouldn’t even worry about going the dual boot route, as as far as I’m aware that’s more for having 2 OS’s on one drive and then the boot loader/controller basically “hides” or “unhides” the requested boot sector. In that case yes, I would consider creating separate partitions that are hidden when not in use, for example your sample libs.

    Spec wise your machine should be a beast! But otherwise there might be a less clumsy way to do it, but if (like me) you’re anal about keeping the music workstation away from anything inc the ‘net at all costs then I would suggest a routine where you have maybe a couple of profiles in the BIOS, one say overclocked games etc, one more focused on keeping the temps and noise down and load those, ideally the profile would contain hard drive info and so you could switch your music OS from disabled to primary boot etc, this has got to be the healthiest way? I’m considering this route myself, as we don’t want to clog the workstation up with editing software etc but we need the horsepower from the machine.

    Anyway, hope that helps.

    Kind regards


    Jesper Borsch

    Hey volitan
    thx for the aid man..
    and indeed this pc should be.. but u know we have kids in the house and one thing could mess with the other soo i wana do things safe and dualboot so i dont get my daw os messed up =)

    I have found somthing that might be an ezyer way to set things up without the need of Bios,
    Install windows 7 home on hdd1 set the files hdd to d: and your dvdrom to e :
    after that u install the second os onto the second hdd.
    when all is done.. go to the hdd1 os open device manager and disable hdd2
    then reboot into ur daw os and disable hdd1
    now your safe and sound and if anything bad happens its verry ez to fix =)
    what u think about that?


    From inside the OS you’re asking for trouble, drivers to be released, assignments of drive letters etc, I would do the same steps but from in the bios buddy 🙂

    Just imagine the headache if you find something gets accidentally installed to the wrong….

    At least with each environment setup differently and set at bios level you are pretty sure the computer can’t out smart you and do it’s own thing screwing up your neatly laid plans 🙂



    Jesper Borsch

    I could not agree with you more dude .
    Thinking about it , it makes sence sinci there are other things u can Adjust in bios aswell
    Ombord sound on or of per profile.
    U could also have à small oc if ud like 🙂

    Thx for The aid bud


    As always no probs dude, looking forward to hearing the results it helps you produce!

    Kind regards


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