Hi there,
I’m hoping someone can tell me about their experience using a Macbook Air for music. I currently have a Retina Macbook Pro, but I just love the form factor of the Macbook Air.
If I bought one it would be the lowest-spec’d computer I’ve ever had. I’d get the 11″ model and upgrade the processor to the 1.7 GHz i7, and up the ram to 8 GB.
I’d be aiming to use Logic Pro X, EZdrummer and EZmix.
I like my songs to be pretty stripped-back so a typical song would look something like this:
– drum track using EZdrummer or Logic’s Drum Kit Designer
– 2 or 3 electric guitars using any one of: Amplitube 3, Guitar Rig 4, Pod Farm 2 or EZmix
– bass track using EZmix
– one acoustic guitar
– a cello or piano (audio track, not a plug-in)
– 3 voices
I’d be more than happy to just use EZmix for the final mix (i.e. no other plugs in the final mix).
I’d be using the Focusrite Scarlett Solo interface (soon to be released). I like to set the buffer in Logic at 64 samples.
I’d love some insight into whether or not people think this would be an OK setup or if I’d just end up frustrated.